Stress and Hypertension

Whole Mind Strategies

Hypnosis for Stress and Hypertension

Many people suffering hypertension or high blood pressure don’t realise that is often caused through underlying stress. The release of the stress hormone cortisol as a result the mind perceiving a threat, which in most cases is emotional threat caused through worry.

People are always worrying over things they have no control over; Stressing over things that in a week will be forgotten about. 95% of what people stress and worry about never eventuates. Stressing about something doesn’t change it. If fact, the more you stress about a problem the more ineffective you will be in coming up with a solution to it.

If there is a problem and a solution to the problem, then there is nothing to stress and worry about, just work on the solution. If there is a problem and you can’t do anything about it. It is pointless stressing and worrying about it. That is easier said than done if you have developed the habit of stress.

Stressing and worrying can become a habit of seeing the world as a fearful place. Continually releasing adrenaline and cortisol from our flight or fight response mechanism, our basic survival mechanism. That is why many people who are stressed are often angry and those not showing anger are often supressing it. This is the fight response. The flight or fight mechanism is a survival mechanism to respond to short-term threats such as wild animals. We run away and hide in a cave or we fight the threat. The body is not designed to cope with constant stress and worry and for this reason, it begins to affect the health of the body resulting in hypertension or high blood pressure.

Our program is designed not only to resolve the issues causing the stress and worry but also to give you the tools and new habits of thinking that will enable you to let go of things that you would normally stress about.

It takes 4 to 6 weeks to change the habit patterns of the mind. One hypnotherapy session per week, coupled with our hypnosis recordings to listen to between sessions can bring about these changes. We also provide recordings that can be listened to in a car.

Our Stress & Hypertension program is covered by some health funds.


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Whole Mind Strategies