
Whole Mind Strategies

Hypnotherapy & Counselling for Phobias

Most, but not all, phobias were created in the past due to an initial sensitizing even: An initial trauma. These can be experienced or learned, such as a parent screaming in panic at the sight of a spider and the child buying into this fear.

There are hundreds of phobias. Fear of needles, fear of flying, fear of lifts, fear of spiders, claustrophobia, fear of small places, fear of crowds, fear of going out, fear of vomiting, and fear of heights are just a few we have helped clients with over the years.

Some phobias can be resolved in a single session such as fear of spiders. There is usually an engram which is usually a scary picture that springs to mind at the thought of the spider. It is a bit like the file name on a folder in the mind that contains all the fearful things about spiders. We can re-pattern the picture which is a bit like changing the file name and the mind loses access to it. Other phobias can be a bit more stubborn.

The thing about phobias is that they can spread. Fear of lifts may have been created when stuck in a lift sometime in the past. As the years go by a fear of flying or going through tunnels can also start to develop as a result of it.

Phobias are created at a subconscious level of the mind and no rational logical amount of thinking can help them. The subconscious can’t tell the difference between a real and an imagined experience. Just thinking about it will create anxiety. It is at the subconscious level that we work with hypnotherapy to resolve the issue.

It can take four to six weeks to change habit patterns of the mind and our program is a weekly hypnotherapy session and hypnosis recordings to listen to between the sessions to change the mind.


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Whole Mind Strategies