Love is the true law of attraction. I was always of the opinion that what we bring into our world is the result of our thinking and, in turn, action - cause and effect
Love is the true law of attraction. I was always of the opinion that what we bring into our world is the result of our thinking and, in turn, action - cause and effect
We have all been hurt by people in the past. Holding onto this hurt keeps us in the past and always a victim of the perpetrator. To forgive is not that easy and will often be rejected as not an option, but it is a choice. How can you forgive someone who abuses a child or rapes someone, or a person who kills another, or someone who steals from you and gets away with it?
Co-operation and contribution can overcome cultural differences. Cultural differences are the result of our conditioning. The culture of a people is a direct result of the conditioning of the people around them. Many cultural differences come from different belief systems formed by this conditioning. Interaction between different cultures results in an expansion of both....
Religion brings many benefits but causes many problems. Seven years ago, and before moving into psychotherapy, I attended a 10 day, live in Vipassana meditation course. I was feeling stressed with the politics being played out at work and had already decided to leave the company and focus on my studies in psychotherapy. It...
The bully feels like a victim and tries to make a victim of others. Here is an old rhyme from when I was a kid. ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me.’ Most verbal bullying comes in the form of disconnecting habits of communication. This is external control...
Integrity The integrity of the system of contribution and co-operation repairs itself and evolves. The human condition has evolved through the development of our basic needs. These needs have evolved through co-operation and contribution. History has shown that a sociopath’s behaviour and the resulting destruction they cause, usually leads to their own self-destruction. Out...
Understand yourself and understand others. Purpose. Philosophers have pondered over the meaning of life for thousands of years – the purpose of it all. Am I here to claim to know the meaning of life? Well, not exactly. It’s more about the meaning of our needs – the purpose behind our needs. If...
Everything we do comes from a goal set in the subconscious mind. Walt Disney once said that all dreams come true if you have the courage to pursue them. I always introduce clients to goal setting; it creates a positive expectation of the future – something many people don’t have. Goals motivate, excite and...
Your comfort zone is either expanding or contracting. Comfort zones, what are they? We are always in a state of expansion or contraction, growing or shrinking, progressing or regressing. Let’s take our muscles, or even better, the muscles of a football player, or athlete, for example. After a period of rest and reduced activity, at...
Evoke the power of positive states – you’ve got them! We have looked at the ego as the accumulation of negative limiting beliefs. Let’s look at this in a bit more detail. Let’s say that each negative belief is a mini trauma from the past that was formed during a state of fear. The...