Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Whole Mind Strategies
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Whole Mind Strategies
Whole Mind Strategies

Post-traumatic Stress Disorder – PTSD Hypnotherapy

Post-traumatic stress is an anxiety based issue.

Sometimes it comes up shortly after the trauma and sometime it can come up years after the event. Often the traumatic event is supressed in the subconscious and this is why it is never resolved. Anything supressed can come out in different ways, from anger to taking drugs or alcohol to self-medicate the negative emotions that are bubbling to the surface. Many people experience some kind of trauma in their lives and it is the ones who try to be strong and supress the trauma who can be most affected.

Let’s Talk About Your Needs Today

People suffering from PTSD often have flashbacks. These flashbacks can start years after the supressed trauma and they relive the trauma again and again. We have found that even going through menopause can trigger this. The flashbacks start from an engram in the mind. An engram is a bit like the file name on a folder but usually consists of a picture of the event. If you lose the file name you lose the folder. We can reframe the engram and it will often stop the flashbacks because the mind sees a different and less confronting event. Because these traumas are at a subconscious level they often need to be resolved at a subconscious level.

Our program of six individual weekly sessions of clinical hypnotherapy and a set of four hypnosis recordings to listen to every day between sessions works to resolve these issues. We also provide a set of nine recordings that can be listened to between sessions free of charge.

Psychotherapist Tony Gilmour has had referrals from the Victorian Victims of Crime Tribunal for PTSD.

Reach out to our friendly team today

If you’d like to learn more about the services we provide to local patients from BerwickClaytonFrankston and beyond, don’t hesitate to get in touch. We’re prepared and ready to help you, too.

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Whole Mind Strategies